Onking eGo (www.onking.com.my) is an e-commerce online shopping resource by Onking Chain-Store (M) Sdn. Bhd.


Due to competitive environment of retails and consumer behavior changing. Our company desire to provide our valued customers with hassles free services when you shop at Onking eGo (www.onking.com.my), satisfaction of consumers is our priority. Newly Onking eGo will focus selling on Home Electrical Appliances and 3C Products and more product categories coming soon will be found on this online shopping e-commerce platform.

Why Choose Us

We can assure our customers to get the best price and quality because of our 20over years’ experience in retails. Over the years, we’ve built the best relationship with all suppliers.


With the motto ‘Customer’s Satisfaction is Our Responsibility’ we are confident to excel as the best in the service related industry. Onking eGo is set up for our online customers’ needs and to provide the best buy and fast delivery services. It is our commitment to continuous by upgrade our services so that customers will have peace of mind after sales.


All product purchase on Onking eGo are guaranteed to be genuine new and intact, all product come with its warranty. If has any question about it, just contact Onking eGo or click the “Returns” link to fill the form. Our sales executive will contact you within 1 working day and complete of all procedures within 7 working days.

About Us

ONKING易購是 ONKING 旗下組建新一代B2C网上購物平台 (www.onking.com.my), 

為因應零售環境的競爭­­­態 勢及消費者購買行為的改變,

我們將以ONKING eGo平台作為實體通路向网上的延伸,提供客戶更便捷,更廉價,更滿意的消費體驗,上线的第一階級,我們的网上商品僅覆蓋傳統家電和3C產品,

但不久將來ONKING eGo會提供更多類別的商品供您在网上選購!

Why Choose Us

積淀20多年經營實體通路的經驗, 我們與各大家電製造商建立了高效供應鏈關係,

有優勢幫您採購優質及 性價比(CP值) 高的電器商品.

同時,ONKING 一直以來的經營理念(motto):客戶的滿意是我們最大的責任.

ONKING eGo 以滿足网購消費者的需求為核心為您提供優質且低價商品和快速的配送服務!

Do the best on service

ONKING eGo 承諾會不懈努力提升消費者的購物滿意度, 讓您買的安心, 用的放心, 售後服務更開心.

我們將以高效經營全方位結合线上线下(O2O)業務為消費者創造更高附加價值的購物體驗. ONKING eGo 担保商品的品質和絕對貨真價實, 您所購買的商品將被保證原廠, 新品,沒有瑕疵的原裝商品. 消費者收到商品後, 若有任何疑慮,可立即聯絡ONKING eGo 客服專線或按商品退換鏈接 “Returns”科目並填妥相關欄目, 我們的專職執行人員將在1個工作天內給予回覆, 並將在7個工作天完成退換貨的程序!